 Último 2024.x 2023.x 2022.x 2021.1 2021.0 2020.1 2020.0 2019.1 2019.0
 Deutsch English Français Español Italiano 中文 日本語


The ViewStation License Manager (VSLM) is our new alternative to the LM-X License Manager. As of Q2/2025, this will become the only license manager.

Please plan your update accordingly.


The benefits of VSLM

After the initial roll-out, client licenses don't need to be updated, e.g. when maintenance is renewed.

Our own free license monitoring.

Local Windows groups are now supported to configure user rights.

To-do for migration

Requires 3DViewStation version 2023.7.197 or later.

Install the new VS License Manager with a new license file on your server. Make sure you use a different port than LM-X.

Roll out the new client license files.

Uninstall the LM-X License Manager.

If you are using Groups and User Permissions, you will need to convert the configuration to our new format. If you need help, please contact our customer support.

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