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Generate Auxiliary Geometries

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Auxiliary geometries like points, lines or areas are frequently needed for the analysis of parts. If these are not available, you can use the following auxiliary geometries to generate them.




Circle center

Generates the circle center point via the selection of a circle segment (illustration on the left).


Generates a point at any selected location of a geometry.


Creates a point at the intersection of two lines.

Circle axis

Generates a circle axis via a circle segment (illustration in the middle).

Point to point

Any two points of a geometry can be selected to generate a line between two points.

Extract faces

Generates a surface model from a solid model. Select the geometry and decompose it into surfaces via the function Extract faces (illustration on the right).

Merge objects

Merges all selected objects into a single object and creates a new geometry node.

Hierarchical merging

Merges all objects in a selected node.

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Convex Hull: Distorts a geometry by generating a hull. The original geometry is hidden.



All auxiliary geometries created by 3DViewStation are saved in the structure below the node CreatedNodes. One exception is geometries generated via the function Extract faces. These will be placed directly below the relevant product node with the suffix Faces.

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