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> 3DVS Product Family > 关于本平面无章节


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About requirements

hmtoggle_plus0 Which formats can be imported and exported with 3DViewStation?

hmtoggle_plus0 What are the system requirements of 3DViewStation Desktop?

hmtoggle_plus0 Which system requirements does the license manager have for network licenses (floating)?

hmtoggle_plus0 Does 3DViewStation run under macOS and Linux?

About licensing

hmtoggle_plus0 How is 3DViewStation licensed?

hmtoggle_plus0 How can 3DViewStation be activated?

hmtoggle_plus0 Do I need a new license to install a new version?

hmtoggle_plus0 Do I have to reactivate if I extend my maintenance?

About functions, settings and operation

hmtoggle_plus0 Is the 3DViewStation user interface available in different languages?

hmtoggle_plus0 Can color notations be changed, e.g. to RGB or hexadecimal?

hmtoggle_plus0 Can the 3DViewStation user interface be adjusted or reduced?

hmtoggle_plus0 3DViewStation offers numerous settings, are individual default settings and profiles supported?

hmtoggle_plus0 What is Brep and Tesselation?

About trainings, references and contacts

hmtoggle_plus0 Are there tutorials and instructions for KISTERS 3DViewStation?

hmtoggle_plus0 Does KISTERS offer training for 3DViewStation?

hmtoggle_plus0 Is there a 3DViewStation forum where I can ask questions?

hmtoggle_plus0 How can I order 3DViewStation or get consulting?

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