Share Files with Users

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Files that are located in project folders or in your private user folder can be shared with other VisShare users.

The requirements for sharing files are:

The VisShare user with whom you want to share the file is in your user pool.

The project must have the project type Restricted assigned.
Note: The project type Restricted is the default setting when creating a new project.

Share a File with a VisShare User

To share a file with another VisShare user, proceed as follows:

Right-click on the desired file.

Select Share file... from the context menu.


In the dialog in the right-hand column, select the user with whom you want to share the file.

Click the arrow icon VisSh_tut_chevron-left-solid to move the selected user to the left column.


Click the [Share] button to complete the operation.

You can view a list of your shared files in the Private section via the link My shared files. Cf. ch. Private

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