Unlike node locked licenses, network licenses are not tied to the hardware of a computer. The license type displayed is Floating. It means that multiple users can share the use of the license using various different workplaces. A network license server is required for the usage rights administration.
3DViewStation can, for example, be run on any two workstations simultaneously if you have purchased two network licenses. Please note that a feature (or a license) is only in use when it is needed. Opening 3DViewStation will not require a license, but the import of a specific format will result in the utilization of an import license; similarly, an export license will only be requested from the license server when a relevant format is saved. All licenses are returned when the 3DViewStation application is closed. The same licenses are then once again available for use on a different workstation.
The license server offers the additional option of making available only specific licenses to specific users. In this way, for example, you can make all features available to one user and only allow the remaining users the export to the KISTERS 3DVS format.
If no information is entered in the Licensing pane under License Server, your license server is unavailable. Please contact your own system administrator first.
3DViewStation offer the option of checking out licensed features (import, export, etc.) for specific period of time, provided they are available and have not been checked out by another workstation. During this period, 3DViewStation can be used without contact to the license server. If the date is reached, the borrowed features are automatically available again on the license server.
You can access the dialog for borrowing licenses in the Licensing window under License borrowing.
Here you can find information about the available license features, such as the maximum allowed loan period or availability. Select at least one import feature.
First of all, the next day is suggested as the loan date. Enter a date or click the icon to the right of the date to open the calendar. Here you can set any day up to which you borrow the license. Licenses are given out until 23:59 of the selected date.
Press the [Borrow features] button to complete the process. Afterwards the borrowing date is entered next to the Borrow license button. The maximum time for a license check out is 3 months, but may have been configured differently by your system administration.
Simply return a checked out license when you don't need it anymore by clicking Return feature. For this process, however, a connection to the license server is required. The same licenses are then once again available for use on a different workstation.
Our license monitoring application is described here. You can still use LMX's application, but it is no longer actively supported by us. Some features of LMX's application are no longer active (e.g. retrieving licenses).
Licenses that are in use are returned to the license server as soon as 3DViewStation is closed.
If a license is no longer available, you can use the Network License Monitor to find out which workstations currently occupy a license.
The Network License Monitor is part of the standard installation. You can also download the application later in the Downloads section (Optional Downloads).
▪Click the License monitor button to start the Network in the licensing pane under License server.
Alternatively, you can run the Network License Monitor from the installation folder: ..\Tools\NetworkLicenseMonitor\NetworkLicenseMonitor.exe
▪When starting the Network License Monitor for the first time, enter the server path (Port@Servername) and confirm it with [Update]. This information can be found directly under the License Monitoring button.
Now the Features tab lists all the features of your license, how many of them are in use, and how many of them have been borrowed.
The User tab contains a list of information such as the corresponding computer name (Host), IP address (IP) and status (License State). The status (License State) indicates whether a license is currently in temporary use (checked out) or has been borrowed for a certain period of time (borrowed). The Borrow Expiration column contains the date from which this license feature will be available again.