It is not possible to open models because communication with the license server is not possible.
Causes and solution:
1) The license server service was not started
Please start the license server service.
2) Communication blocked
Please make sure that the license server is reachable. Communication uses port 6200. If the firewall of the server blocks this port, you will find the entries in the server log:
▪WARNING: Windows firewall blocks TCP port 6200. ▪WARNING: Communication to license server might not work properly. ▪WARNING: Windows firewall blocks UDP port 6200. ▪WARNING: Automatic server discovery might not work properly. To use a different port, please enter it in the lmx-serv.cfg file for the server and in the 3DVS.lic file of the clients (See also chapter License server installation and licensing).
Note: If further LMX license server installations are available for non-KISTER products, they must communicate on a different port.
3) Invalid server license
The entry WARNING: No licenses to serve in the server log, means there is a licensing problem. The following error messages provide detailed information:
A.No further error message: No server license Network.lic has been stored.
B.WARNING: .\3DVS.lic: License file is using unknown/invalid syntax The client license 3DVS.lic has been stored, please replace it with the server license Network.lic or delete 3DVS.lic if you have stored both licenses in the folder.
C.WARNING: .\ Network.lic: License file is using unknown/invalid syntax The license has been damaged or modified. Please unpack them again from the ZIP archive we sent you.
D.WARNING: Feature [Lizenz-Feature-Name] is ignored: (Err: 10) HostID does not match license This is not the licensed server and the license is therefore invalid. Please use the correct server or contact our orders department (see ch. Contact) to request a license server change.
E.WARNING: Feature [Lizenz-Feature-Name] is ignored: (Err: 8) Invalid license key Possibly an incompatible liblmxvendor.dll from an older installation was used during the installation. Please replace the liblmxvendor.dll in the installation directory with the one from the downloaded archive The license server service must then be restarted.
4) The client tries to reach the wrong license server.
In case of a license server change, the licenses(3DVS.lic) must be updated on the clients, since the license server and port are stored in these. Some clients may not have been updated. Please check server address and port in the license for the affected clients. You may also change this information on your own without invalidating the license. We recommend that you inform us of the changes so that you will receive the correct licenses directly in the future.
5) Changes to the server, configuration or license
Changes have been made to the server. For example, a new server license or configuration has been deposited, but the server service has not been restarted. Please restart the service for the changes to take effect.
6) Wrong license server service started
If there are several installations, Windows may have started an older service after restarting the system. Please quit this service and start the latest version. We recommend that you uninstall the older installations using the Windows Control Panel.