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Version Info (Release Notes)

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    Current Version

              Receives continuous updates and new features. Update interval frequently.







Automation Server

Release date:



Ribbon reorganized (if you use customized ribbons, they may have to be updated to work with this version!)

oSee Desktop changes here.

oSee WebViewer changes here.



Import 2D

oNX 2406 Series (until 2406.7000)

oSolid Edge 2025

oSolidworks 2025


Export 2D:

oDXF, CGM, SVG (2D sources now supported) #1326

oTIFF #290




Configuration view groups #1618:

oadd, rename and remove groups

omove views between different groups

oplaying sequences now run in groups

oexport PDF overview shows groups

ofor backwards compatibility: writing groups to 3DVS can be disabled

Improve view alignment options #569:

oIsometric with four directions around the up-vector

otwo dimetric options

ocoordinate system directions

oTop, Bottom, Left, Right, Front, Back are removed from UI (API is deprecated)


Physical properties: add pane and simplify seeing inertia values


Create 3D primitives: plane, cube, sphere and cylinder


Create lines: free line


Create points: free point and gravity center


Create 3D markup: line #1700


Clash: setting to combine multi-body parts for the calculation

Export complexity: Analyze your models before exporting


Open solids: visualize faulty geometries


Alternative 2D import: add compare functionality



Easier to switch scene arrangement (tabbed vs. windowed)





Switch language without restart





Update dialog was reworked #936

oAdded option to install update directly





Preset SelectableColors: the same color can be now used multiple times with different descriptions #1802





Add application color theme 'Dark Blue'





Support of Meta Quest 3 #1807





Use PostgreSQL 17.4.1 (For new installation only. If you are updating your VisShare installation, remember to migrate your database manually)





Use Nginx 12.7.4






Alternative JT import:

osome NetAllied files crashed #1771

oimprove loading time for files with tessellated PMI #1611

oimprove reading of JT tree structure and color inheritance #1626

Heatmap functions had a problem with non-millimeter models and application units #1879

Cutting up models that were non-millimeter created wrongly scaled geometries #1816



Improve progressbar



Improve loading time of face attributes #1479

Improve creation time of wires #1479

Improve output for VSXML files that could not load all referenced files #1766


Printing or copy to clipboard showed the background image multiple times #1829

Random KAS hang-up on close #1798





API: CustomDimensioning ignored activated coordinate system #1839

VSLM: Reserve rules and host sharing interacted not correctly #1874

VSLM: Rerooting caused issues with the tabs of the monitoring application


    Previous Version








Automation Server

Release date:



Alternative JT import:

ohandle layers correctly #1607

ouse view filter on import #1597

ohandle part visibility correctly #1345

osupport PMI transformations #1652

osupport node properties #1652

E57 import: in some cases the transformation of point clouds was wrong #1736

3DPDF export: Template was not correctly filled #1762





Instance optimization does now recognize different face colors of geometries #1703

Section: 2D export settings are now correctly applied for vector export #1673

Section: cutting into solids improved for better slice handling #1275

Touch gestures are correctly supported #1704





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