Release date:
▪Alternative JT import: ohandle layers correctly #1607 ouse view filter on import #1597 ohandle part visibility correctly #1345 osupport PMI transformations #1652 osupport node properties #1652 |
▪E57 import: in some cases the transformation of point clouds was wrong #1736 |
▪3DPDF export: Template was not correctly filled #1762 |
▪Instance optimization does now recognize different face colors of geometries #1703 |
▪Section: 2D export settings are now correctly applied for vector export #1673 |
▪Section: cutting into solids improved for better slice handling #1275 |
▪Touch gestures are correctly supported #1704 |
Release date:
▪Import 3D: oParasolid 37.0 oRevit 2025 |
▪Alternative JT import: osupport layers |
▪Distance measurements along chosen direction |
▪3DXML import: remove tessellation issues for PMIs |
▪CGM import: correctly show multiple pages |
▪Measuring edges during section |
▪Replace nodes: ocorrectly highlight selection oenable cancellation oenable undo |
▪Setup: make Node.js installation skippable |
▪Improve tessellation reduction |
▪Improve logging for activation |
▪KASMonitor oImprove behavior of 'overwrite kas result'. A value of 'true' does now overwrite the resulting file of the conversion process oAdded error message as soon as a file is ignored due to 'include file filter' oEnsure that only one instance is running simultaniously oLog message contained a doubled timestamp oLog SUCCESS instead of ERROR, when successfully converting |
Release date:
▪Import 2D: oNX 2406 Series (until 2406.4000) |
▪Alternative JT import: oScene setting 'Flip Markups to Camera' works with JT PMIs now #1485 oUse background color from JT views #1603 |
▪Structure compare: Load two models to compare their structure trees and get a table with found differences |
▪Wall thickness measurement: option to measure on multiple solids (e.g. during or after a compare) #1494 |
▪SVG export: PMIs and Markups can be exported as text with the setting 'PMI as text' #1503 |
▪DWG import: load file successfully #1529 |
▪STP/STPZ import: improve visualization of multi-color PMIs |
▪VSXML import: correctly solve multiple PMI references from multiple files #1572 |
▪VSXML export: oset correct color overwrite #1646 odon't inherit the filepath to child nodes #1642 |
▪Improve loading views: the setting 'Zoom fit' will zoom in to fit geometries into the view, but will not zoom out of detail views #1536 |
▪Improve de-/selecting with CTRL #1319 |
▪Load PMIs without anchors correctly #1583 |
▪Turntable and disabled free rotate turn around correct position #1601 |
▪Convert STL to 3DPDF correctly #1625 |
▪Convert PLMXMLs correctly #1629 |
▪WV: keep sessions open in browsers even if they unload the tab #1475 #1556 |
▪WV: parked instances suspend their licenses immediately #1556 |
▪XML-API: improved error description for manual usage #1513 |
▪Deactivation: pop up to confirm the deactivation #1663 |
▪Change HTTPS communication for help center, update dialog and activation #1622 #1660 #1668 |
▪VSLM: ouse correct IP when using VPN oLinux: check all MACs |
Release date:
▪Import 3D: oMicrostation DGN 8 (preview) oNX 2406 |
▪DWG import: setting to load 'print-off' layers #1552 |
▪VSLM: usage table of license monitor can be configured #1544 |
▪STEP import: read correct colors #1478 |
▪Alignment of construction planes #1312 |
▪Only scale endless construction planes #1312 |
▪Views: activating 'State only' moved the camera in rare cases #1492 |
▪Wall thickness analysis: wrong calculation in meter scenes #1561 |
▪VSLM: deny borrow for all users, when no users are set #1566 |
Release date:
▪2024.4.415 deletes all profiles on start-up #1530 |
▪New profiles could not be created #1530 |
▪VSLM: In some cases, reserve rules did not work properly #1517 |
Release date:
▪Import 3D: oNavisworks 2025 oCreo 11.0 |
▪Import 2D: oNX 2312 Series (until 2312.7000) |
▪Alternative JT import: support more tessellated PMIs #1320 |
▪Alternative JT import: support section planes #1401 #1439 |
▪Measurement distance: possible combinations increased with new overlay |
▪New 2D import settings to enable more viewing performance |
▪Choose display language in ribbon #1341 |
▪Bill of material: formats for export and copy to clipboard can be set to Text, CSV, XML, HTML or JSON #895 #1168 |
▪Structure tree: formats for export and copy to clipboard can be set to Text, CSV, XML, HTML or JSON #1406 |
▪Node properties: formats for export and copy to clipboard can be set to Text, CSV, XML, HTML or JSON #895 #1168 |
▪Node attributes: formats for export and copy to clipboard can be set to Text, CSV, XML, HTML or JSON #895 #1168 |
▪Physical properties: formats for export and copy to clipboard can be set to Text, CSV, XML, HTML or JSON #895 #1168 |
▪Drill hole measurement received its own button (moved from drill hole analysis) |
▪"Create aligned dimensionings per XML-API (""CustomDimensioning"")" |
▪WebViewer health test expanded |
▪VSLM: provide Linux version |
▪KAS Monitor: new settings to check locked files |
▪Save 3DVS: improved accuracy for very small rotations #1414 |
▪Read face attributes correctly #1493 |
▪Display multi-colored PMIs with the correct colors #1374 |
▪DWG/DXF import: other viewing/CAD software could interfere with the display #1278 |
▪DWG import: show non-printable layers #1294 |
▪DWG import: display inserted images #1377 |
▪DWG import: multiple display errors #1376 |
▪DXF export: Set the unit correctly #1356 |
▪SolidEdge DFT import: file could not be loaded #1487 |
▪Support supplementary Unicode characters (special symbols, emoticons, etc.) correctly #1484 |
▪Open file per URL with invalid characters #1419 |
▪Rotation: take the activated coordinate system into account |
▪Reset transformation crashed #1454 |
▪Tessellation reduction crashed #1460 |
▪VSLM: switch correctly from single import feature to IMPORT_ALL #1506 |
▪VSLM: don't crash on restart if licenses were borrowed #1444 |
Release date:
▪Import 3D: oCATIA V5-6 R2024 (R34) o3DXML R2024 (R34) oInventor 2025 |
▪Create markups with link #1205 |
▪Replace geometries with different geometries (per selection or new file) #1097 |
▪Wall thickness/Curvature analysis: new setting to hide irrelevant values #1385 |
▪Padding for screenshots/raster exports #1265 |
▪Alternative JT import: fix instances #1394 |
▪Solid Edge 2024 import: load assembly #1230 |
▪STEP import: setting for creation of part CS #1347 |
▪Improve display of Annotation Views #1373 |
▪3DPDF export: new default view setting to reduce faulty behavior of Adobe Acrobat Reader #1390 |
▪Improve circle recognition for small circle segments #1402 |
▪Changing views did not always update the scene #1403 |
▪Use font resource folder #1422 |
Release date:
▪Import 3D: oNX 2312 oParasolid 36.1 oRhino3D 8 |
▪Import 2D: oCATIA V5-6R2024 (R34) oNX 2312 Series (until 2312.4000) |
▪Alternative JT import: support of non-tessellated PMIs #1333 |
▪Transformation: move and rotate with increments #771 |
▪Section: move and rotate cutting plane with increments #771 |
▪Point-to-point (wire) can now be used on cutting plane #1212 |
▪Color tools: color parts or faces randomly #1270 |
▪Overwrite and reset colors were moved to color tools #1270 |
▪VisShare: direct save for non-private projects #1309 |
▪VisShare: new user role: Manager #1310 |
▪VisShare: improvements of data upload |
▪NX import: show geometries #615 |
▪JT import: load colors correctly #1247 |
▪BCF Views: find ID in attributes #1371 |
▪Render offset lines when corresponding geometry is not visible #1364 |
▪Offline license error #1349 |
▪VSLM: use Windows groups within JSON groups #1361 |
▪VSLM: fix client communication issue #1378 |
▪Setup without SMTP #1383 |
Release date:
▪Import 3D: oSolidWorks 2024 |
▪Alternative JT import: support of views and tessellated PMIs #1207 |
▪Add field to ribbon to search online help center |
▪Line width setting for contour #1266 |
▪Korean language supported again |
▪VS License Manager: support of wildcards for privilige rule configuration #1293 |
▪Alternative JT import: multiple loading errors #1207 |
▪JT Assembly loads correctly #779 |
▪Improve circle detection #1304 |
▪Setup: check for correct supported Windows version #1315 |
▪Start up: race conditions when using LMX License Manager #1318 |
▪3DPDF with import dialog: choose starting scene with 2D/3D button |
▪XML-API: GetNodeProperties #1283 |
▪XML-API: ImportVSXMLToNode sets correct color #1300 |
▪Correct cleanup for exit codes #1298 |
▪VS License Manager: Windows Usergroup Timeout #1313 |
▪VS License Manager: ServerConfig.json no longer overwrites itself on updates |
Release date:
Updated system requirements: Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016
▪BOM setting "Configure attribute display" #1282 |
▪Import setting "Additional search paths" #1282 |
▪WV: Visualization settings for 2D #1288 |
▪WV: Skybox selection #1277 |
▪KAS: Generate screenshot exit code #1298 |
Release date:
Updated system requirements: Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016
▪Import 3D: oSolid Edge 2024 oParasolid 36.0 |
▪Import 2D: oSolid Edge 2024 oSolidworks 2024 oNX 2306 Series (until 2306.7000) oCATIA V6 R2024x |
▪Export 2D: oDXF R32 (AutoCAD 2018) |
▪New icons for all products and 3DVS files |
▪JT import: alternative import per setting for tests available #1207 |
▪3DVS export: option to save resources (skyboxes, backgrounds, materials, glare effects) |
▪IFC import: performance improvements #942 #1164 |
▪STL, OBJ and E57 import: settings added to split huge files on import, helps with performance and enables to load files that would be too big otherwise #1090 #1170 |
▪WV: improved quality of displayed images #1108 |
▪Section: slice geometries, can be applied several times (does not equal multi-cut) #1098 |
▪Compare: added comparison for PMIs #970 |
▪Selected faces can be merged #1180 |
▪KAS can now be separately installed |
▪PMIs: support of multiple colors #734 |
▪Materials: improve patterned texture application #1151 |
▪Mouse setting for fit-all function #962 |
▪Always show rotation point #960 |
▪XML-API pane moved from Output pane to Tool ribbon, response output added #1103 |
▪XML-API: functions to color nodes or faces randomly # 1221 |
▪VS License Manager: supports upgrade-switches of license features now |
▪VS License Manager: license monitor improvements # 1186 |
▪Correct installation behavior for closing running applications #1204 |
▪Improve startup behavior of Desktop version #1211 |
▪WV: initialize 2DAdvanced feature correctly #1255 |
▪SolidEdge import: correct subassembly visibility #925 |
▪STEP import: load tessellation correctly #1023 |
▪NX import: load node visibility correctly #1193 |
▪OBJ import: load textures in edge case correctly #1170 |
▪Aligning: Move: enable functions to work with a boundary condition if activated #1235 |
▪Structure tree: moving nodes lost file paths #1214 |
▪WV: Structure tree: multi-selection with SHIFT in a large tree #1234 |
▪Clear CustomIDs #1229 |
Release date:
▪Import 3D: oRevit 2024 |
▪Solid Edge: support of Assembly Features #829 |
▪Center handle of translation transformations (move) #1087 |
▪Reset geometries to initial color |
▪Overwrite initial color of geometries |
▪BOM: new creation mode: Structure tree: lists all root and PO nodes #716 |
▪BOM: new creation mode: Selection including children: lists selected node and all its children nodes #1160 |
▪BOM: new option to remove or keep empty columns #1169 |
▪SolidEdge import: show pipes correctly #830 |
▪SolidEdge import: show frames correctly #646 |
Release date:
▪Import 3D: oNX 2306 oJT up to 10.9 |
▪Import 2D: oNX 2306 Series (until 2306.4000) |
▪Curvature analysis: New feature to analyse surfaces |
▪KAS Monitor: New tool for conversion per directory monitoring |
▪PLMXML import: option to load 3DVS instead of referenced JTs #1053 |
▪2D: option to turn page with mouse wheel |
▪2D: option to keep position when turning pages #291 |
▪SolidEdge import: Coordinate system visibility and size #825 #861 #862 |
▪SolidEdge import: Simplifications improvements #808 #864 |
▪Navisworks import improvements #927 #989 |
▪Improve radius measurements #1046 |
▪Improve angle measurements #1072 |
▪Improve display of PMIs with asian characters #908 |
▪Improve display of drawings with asian characters #872 |
▪Improve Copy-Paste behaviour #946 #947 |
Release date:
▪Import 3D: oUSD |
▪Rework: Floating licensing |
▪Rework: Wall thickness #140 |
▪Rework: Band analysis #144 #143 |
▪Rework: Aligning #607 |
▪Revit: Problems with displaying of Revit file #920 |
▪3DPDF: prevent crash during loading #984 |
▪Neutral axis: optimizations for some cases #986 |
▪Load DWG/DXF import dlls correctly #931 |
▪DXF export speedup in critical cases #987 |
▪2D default export format is not applied #897 |
▪WebViewer Ribbon for small screens fixed #1035 |
Release date:
▪Import 3D: oACIS 2023 oCreo 10.0 oNavisworks 2024 |
▪Import 2D: oNX 2212 Series (until 2212.7000) |
▪NX assembly files load referenced JT files #907 #7110 |
▪Selection: all geometries, all PMIs and all markups |
▪VR: activating views now changes the position #969 |
▪XML-API console |
▪Navisworks file loading error #826 |
▪CATDrawing: wrong font recognized for some symbols #743 |
▪Show quick info on hover in structure tree #945 |
▪Use correct position while copying focused geometry to second scene #854 |
▪100 % Ghost shows correct transparency #896 |
▪Activation license: correct maintenance check #941 |
▪Import: ZIP archive was falsely recognized as 3MF #421 |
Release date:
▪Import 3D: oCatia V5_6 R2023 oParasolid 35.1 oInventor 2024 |
▪DXF export: screen-aligned markups are saved as text #798 |
▪Node properties to adjust rotation and scale of patterned materials #865 |
▪XML-API: FindAndReplaceString #764 |
▪XML-API: ConvertVSXMLToNestedSTEP now supports optional export of node tree structure #661 |
▪XML-API: Set markup anchor #744 |
▪Reestablished support of older CPUs #877 |
▪3DVS and VSXML: Floating point format may differ in XML content if precision can be preservered by using scientific notation #762 |
▪Floating license issue regarding the combined use of IMPORT_3DVS and IMPORT_All fixed #910 |
▪Parasolid import: show correct node names in structure tree #906 |
▪STEP import: show views correctly #595 |
▪CATIA import: show a part not multiple times #131 |
▪CATIA import: don't show coordinates systems as faces #132 |
▪CATIA import: load R22 files updated with CATIA R32 #781 |
▪Revit import: rfa file loads now correctly #797 |
▪STEP export: tessellation issue #614 |
▪VSXML import: progress overlay was not removed #924 |
▪DXF export: circle recognition algorithm improved #800 |
▪Some formats could not be converted to FBX #911 |
▪Material rendering repaired after disassembling and reassembling surfaces #645 |
▪Webviewer usage collector optimised #839 |
▪jQuery update #902 |
Release date:
▪Import 2D oNX 2212 Series until 2212.4000 oHEIC (as is) oExcellon (as is) |
▪Exact compare: works now with tessellation #517 |
▪Export views to PDF: new settings to define paper format and DPI #567 |
▪Presets: color picker can include user-defined tooltip #776 |
▪XML-API: SaveAsRelative |
▪CGM: wrong display #667 |
Release date:
▪Windows Server 2016 startup #789 |
▪Print dialogue #785 |
▪Change name: Del button deletes node #788 |
▪Structure tree: cut and paste #787 |
Release date:
▪Import 3D oAVEVA RVM oNavisworks 2023 oNX 2212 oParasolid 35.0 oSolid Edge 2023 oSolidWorks 2023 |
▪SolidEdge import: support of coordinate systems |
▪JT export: support of coordinate systems |
▪Faster vector export (DXF, SVG) |
▪Cut of multiple nodes and paste on one of them creates a new node |
▪Rework: Alignment functions part 1: Render preview |
▪Rework: Attribute CSV import |
▪Solid Edge 2022 simplifications #502 |
▪Solid Edge assembly references #754 |
▪Multiple Inventor import issues #582 #584 |
▪OBJ import: missing triangles #715 |
▪WRL import: missing geometries #671 |
▪Shut down when double-click in structure tree |
▪API: ConvertDXFVersion not working #724 |
▪Uninstall error |
▪Deleting of log files #761 |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oThis release includes licensing updates for VisShare. Old licenses will not run with this VisShare. |
▪Import 3D oRevit 2023 |
▪Import 2D oCATIA V6 R2023x oSolid Edge 2023 oSolidworks 2023 |
▪2D DWG/DXF: Font substitution available on import #503 |
▪Edge length of construction planes can now be defined on import |
▪Structure tree: edit node names per click #625 |
▪Structure tree: new functions to cut, copy and paste |
▪KAS: The log file now contains all the information used during the conversion (path to the used settings etc.) #639 |
▪VR: new setting to define color and transparency of the floor #666 |
▪STEP import crashed in rare cases #719 |
▪Creo 4 and 7 assemblies open correctly #248 #463 |
▪Revit: fix box representation of some geometries #6880 |
▪DWG: an old version was incorrectly recognized #623 |
▪3DPDF recognition improved #718 |
▪PLMXML reader improved #601 |
▪VSXML: set correct node type #642 |
▪Some native PMIs had a wrong bounding box and made the scene huge #632 |
▪Improve highlighting of PMI references #603 |
▪BOM: Bounding box measurements corrected #681 |
▪Correct FitAll in perspective mode #599 |
▪Circles can be measured again after extracting faces of a solid #532 |
▪World coordinate systems were created at the wrong position in rare cases #530 |
▪Set section plane handles correctly after activating views #88 |
▪Show face properties when selecting multiple faces #627 |
▪Activator success exit code was moved from 1 to 0 #624 |
Release date:
▪DXF Export: support of coordinate systems #544 |
▪Import attributes from CSV #596 |
▪Background color for PMIs #535 |
▪BOM - new options: Bounding box, gravity center, structure level #273 #288 #326 |
▪Show face attributes #329 |
▪API: Identify node complexity #350 |
▪Improve import of PDF #576 #589 |
▪Improve instance recognition #590 |
▪Improve E57 point cloud rendering #540 |
▪Fix split scene function #600 |
▪Fix circle markups in 2D #453 |
▪Improve TIF performance after copy/paste #619 |
▪Improve loading of many attributes #618 |
▪VR: One eyed rendering in some cases |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oThis release contains security updates. We recommend updating to this version as soon as possible. |
▪Import 2D oNX 2206 |
▪Export 2D oWMF (raster) |
▪Activation licensing improved |
▪Transform: three points to three points #403 |
▪Copy/Paste in 2D scenes #218 #224 #489 |
▪Improve performance of VSXML import |
▪Load structure, then reload all nodes #476 |
▪Setup: New option to generate extensive support information for critical cases (default: on) |
▪Show correct wall thickness result in the measurement pane #549 |
▪Line highlights are rendered with line width correctly #537 |
▪Improve Solidworks conversion in rare cases #484 |
▪Improve Navisworks import #516 |
▪Improve Solid Edge DFT import #470 #3675 |
▪Improve SVG export #504 |
▪E57: use correct scale and up-vector |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher |
▪STEP, IFC and Creo Import: choose codepage to display node names correctly (available codepages can be edited in the preset.xml) #405
▪Rework of node movements in structure tree #188 #189 |
▪Structure tree: CSV Export #393 |
▪Structure tree: horizontal scrollbar #472 |
▪Option to turn material rendering off #270 |
▪Animated focus (includes translation, rotation and ghosting) #440 |
▪TIFF 8bpp import #451 |
▪XML-API: GetWallthicknessRollingBallAnalysisResults #396 |
▪Solidworks format recognition fix #473 |
▪DXF Export: sometimes showed hidden lines #448 |
▪DXF Export: circle recognition improved #417 |
▪Raster images: export and printing fixed #471 |
▪Improve undercut calculation #271 |
▪Handle missing materials correctly #386 |
▪Handle geometries after wire removal and generation correctly #483 |
▪Structure tree: fix behavior in large trees #472 |
▪Fix Callout and Fixed Text positioning for printing and 2D raster export #477 |
▪Skybox: incremental rendering fixed #475 |
▪XML-API: GenerateAttribute and GenerateCustomIds fixed for special characters #388 |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher |
▪Import 3D oAutoCAD DWG/DXF #181 oCreo 9 oInventor 2023 oParasolid 34.1 oNX 2206 |
▪Export 3D oXML-API: Convert VSXML to STEP AP214-CC06 Master file (nested external references) #351 |
▪First level of attribute names shown as subcategories |
▪Improve 3DVS and VSXML import performance |
▪Option to replace the 3D model with a screenshot in templated 3DPDF export |
▪Save field of view settings in 3DVS files #274 |
▪Show attributes correctly #167 |
▪Improve DXF/SVG export performance |
▪DXF measurements wrong #349 |
▪PDF format recognition improved #458 |
▪PDF attachment display with unicode characters #416 |
▪Huge STL files crashed #296 #324 |
▪STPX, 3DS, 3MF, Collada: Node name in structure reduced from pathname to filename #361 |
▪Copy text to clipboard: Fix and rework deactivation handling #390 |
▪Measurement markups: Improve rendering of reference wires #411 |
▪Coordinate systems: visibility fixed, when they are not near geometry #412 |
▪Load fonts with unicode filenames correctly on startup #410 |
▪Correct translation for presets #86 |
▪Circle markup creation relative to camera #375 |
▪Error message when loading 2D documents #375 |
▪Section cut controllers, pickray, menu and floor #375 |
▪Correct floor shadow in perspective #375 |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher |
▪Import 3D oCatia V5-6R2022 (R32) |
▪Import 2D oCreo 9.0 oNX 2019, 2027 |
▪WebViewer: Server health tests added #69 |
▪WebViewer: Server blocks incoming requests on high load #69 |
▪Techdoc/BOM: Option to generate ID with only attribute value #129 |
▪API: Compare two 3D models per URL parameter with Bestfit computation for auto alignment |
▪Creo 8 file loads correctly #233 |
▪NX PRT: handle 2D/3D case correctly #401 |
▪SLDDRW: correct position of information flags #251 |
▪UpdateScene rework #161 |
▪Improve Split computation time #336 |
▪Clash: compute multiple times fix #201 |
▪Fix crash in Bestfit computation #368 |
▪Improve clipping plane handling in flythrough/with focus #52 |
▪Fix interactions, if section and markup creation are both active #92 |
▪Remove undo for configuration view creation #89 |
▪Wrong world bounding box in rare cases #343 |
▪Websocket closed behavior optimized for clients that sent connect message #301 |
▪WebViewer: Copy image to clipboard fix #247 |
▪Structure & output panes are scaled along with resolution change #230 |
▪VR: Skybox fixed #374 |
▪VR: Display shadow correctly #340 |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher |
▪Import 3D oAutodesk Navisworks 2012 - 2022 oAutodesk Revit 2022 oJT 10.6 |
▪Best fit: align two nodes to overlap #113 |
▪Measure point to point on curve #111 |
▪Transform: circle center to point #204 |
▪Attachment pane for 2D documents #158 |
▪Change color of tessellated PMIs on import #78 |
▪Add 7 additional light sources #45 |
▪Table view extended by date and file size #258 |
▪Fonts for DWG/DXF #122 |
▪3D PDF crashing in rare cases #305 |
▪OBJ: Improve texture visualisation #277 |
▪HPGL with embedded TIF: correct display #82 |
▪Inventor assembly won't open #5181 |
▪Solidworks: wrong transparencies #6583 |
▪Conversion of Solidworks configurations with special characters #286 |
▪Correct conversion of limited Solidworks configurations #325 |
▪Markups: fix CustomID, reference and scale handling #252 #299 #300 |
▪Crashes with corrupted wires in rare cases #272 |
▪BOM: copy to clipboard missing information #292 |
▪Fix anchor for Markups in views #308 |
▪Coordinate system picking highlight #40 |
▪Improve instantiation #123 |
▪Clash volume color always black #239 |
▪Save mouse settings for 2D correctly #55 |
▪Display VSXML CustomIds correctly #313 |
▪Improve transformations including TechDoc markups #160 |
▪Setup will check if the OS is compatible before installing |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher |
▪Import 3D oNX 2007 oSolid Edge 2022 oSolidWorks 2022 |
▪Import 2D oCATIA V5-6R2022 (R32) oNX 2007, 2008, 2011, 2015 |
▪Layer support for 2D documents #180 |
▪JT PMIs: improve visualization #168 |
▪TIFF: fix loading error #250 |
▪Undercut fix #271 |
▪2D compare did not work in rare cases #246 |
▪Markup import: use CustomIDs correctly #249 |
▪KAS: fix rare crash during SolidWorks convert #174 |
▪WV: custom-svg-icons.xml moved to www\custom |
▪WV: index.html, version starts with a '.':
<script>var _WVVersion = ".2022.2.167-3d9e160cb0";</script>
▪WV: svg-icons.xml renamed to match other files versioning style |
▪WV: references and loader adjusted |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher oNew Microsoft Redistributables will be installed during the setup routine. They contain fixes for some OS. |
▪Rework: Shadow rendering #116 |
▪Copy text from 2D files to clipboard #112 |
▪Import setting to load PMIs as 'always on top' |
▪Increase possible datasize in 3DVS files #112 |
▪PMI reference highlighting not displayed in rare cases #184 |
▪KAS: special character handling added #186 |
▪Improve logging |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher |
▪Import 3D oParasolid 34.0 |
▪Import 2D oSolid Edge 2022 oSolidworks 2022 (SP0) oNX 1992, 1996, 2000 |
▪Customize scene lighting (color/brightness) #138 |
▪Increase node luminosity #138 |
▪CATIA: PMI references to solids #50 |
▪Setting to load prototype views #51 |
▪Setup creates backup of presets.xml |
▪JT to 3DVS: PMI text correctly exported #49 #105 |
▪E57: loading error when UTF8 characters in filepath #109 |
▪FBX: loading error in rare cases #119 |
▪CATDrawing: won't open #6765 |
▪CATDrawing: wrong curves #6876 |
▪DFT: wrong measurement #6912 |
▪DFT: won't open #7195 |
▪PDF: no background/wrong background color #124 #149 |
▪DXF/SVG Export: lines missing #17 #53 |
▪CGM Export fixed #18 |
▪Open 3D scene for Office documents |
▪Improve volume calculation #47 |
▪Loading error when UTF8 characters are in filepath #81 |
▪Transform: Free drag not working #44 |
▪PMI properties: change font #59 |
▪Support info zipfile was not created #20 |
▪XML-API: ImportConfigurationViews fix #39 |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher |
▪Import 3D oACIS 2021 1.0 |
▪Import 2D oNX 1980, 1984, 1988 o2D DWG/DXF: option to load multiple layouts #7020 #2841 #5938 #6557 #6791 |
▪Calculate Inertia |
▪TIF: change contrast #7252 |
▪FBX Export: Root nodes missing #7122 |
▪SolidWorks configurations: incorrect display of parts #6953 |
▪CATIA files could not be opened #7102 |
▪PLMXML: some files could not be opened #7224 |
▪Crash of PDFs in rare cases #7187 |
▪Speed up deletion of views #7089 |
▪2D text search: Position of highlighting #6804 |
▪Coloring faces #7029 |
▪Export convex hull #7046 |
▪Optimize update view navigation #7211 |
▪Print of large 2D files #7242 |
▪Correct filepaths in VSXML export #7199 |
▪Picking performance #7230 |
▪Clean up node IDs of markups #7226 |
▪Fix circle selection for various measurement functions #7120 |
▪TechDoc callouts: export fix #7173 |
▪TreePath on root level now unique #7156 |
▪Minimal bounding box: crash in rare cases #7129 |
▪Default language after installation #7193 |
▪XML-API: add SetSelectFaces #7165 |
▪XML-API: add GetNodeTransformMatrix #7137 |
▪XML-API: get/set camera using wrong position #7124 |
▪XML-API: setting a CustomId (SetNodeProperties) resets constraints on child nodes fixed #7170 |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher oUpdated Microsoft Redistributables are needed (will be installed during the setup routine) |
▪Import 2D oTIFF performance increased #7070 |
▪2D measurements: choose document scale #6787 |
▪Search: PMI, markup, text added #7019 |
▪Wall thickness heatmap: option to keep preferred values #6988 |
▪FBX export: prevent export of deleted geometries #7086 |
▪VSXML export: physical properties will be written #6972 |
▪Improve visibilities after transformation or rotation #7050 |
▪Length measurement: prevent crash #7085 #7105 |
▪Markup text: improve multiline handling #7033 |
▪Change path for logging to AppData directory #7025 |
▪VR: improve logging #7009 |
▪VR: improve screenshots #7010 |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher oUpdated Microsoft Redistributables are needed (will be installed during the setup routine) |
▪Import 3D oInventor 2022 |
▪Optional prompt to save when closing a scene #6966 |
▪References for dimensionings of surfaces and edges |
▪VR menu settings will be saved |
▪Optimization of visualization of coordinate systems #6922 |
▪Clash: set transparency of collision pair correctly #6934 |
▪3DConnexion Controller: handling optimized #7043 |
▪Solidworks: ASM could not be opened #6865 |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher oNew 3DVS format V17. 3DVS files exported with this version are not compatible with pre-2021 versions of 3DViewStation oUpdated Microsoft Redistributables are needed (will be installed during the setup routine) |
▪Import 3D oCatia V5-6 R2021 oNX - Unigraphics 1980 oParasolid 33.1 oCreo 8 |
▪Import 2D oCreo 8 oNX 1965, 1969, 1973 |
▪JT: Views were missing in rare cases #6859 |
▪NX: 3D files show empty 2D document #6964 |
▪CATDrawing issues fixed #6765 #6876 |
▪Solid Edge drawing issues fixed #3154 #4707 #6912 |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher oNew 3DVS format V17. 3DVS files exported with this version are not compatible with pre-2021 versions of 3DViewStation |
▪New FBX Im-/Exporter oImport: all versions oImproved load time #6410 oExport: binary 7.5 oExport coordinate system #6081 oExport correct scaling #5683 |
▪Selection mode: Face |
▪Change the color of faces: Add vertex colors #6946 |
▪Measurement: Cumulated area #4099 |
▪Measurement: Distance point to face #3379 |
▪Transform: Boundary conditions: X, Y and Z axis added #5615 |
▪VSXML: XSD for validation |
▪XML-API: oNew method for writing custom log messages to renderer instance log files and feature usage logging oReference to part NodeIds and CustomIds added in VSXML for measurement markups oCamera Zoom/Pan limits oOpenFile extended: Load from URL
▪VSXML import: improve performance #6473 #6976 |
▪Parasolid: improve format recognition #6897 |
▪Improve visibility while viewing: remove flickering #6891 |
▪Clash computation #6921 |
▪Presets/properties: materials and density consolidated #6608 |
▪Performance of measuring improved #6890 |
▪Face highlights during measurement improved #6417 |
▪Circle recognition improved #4519 |
▪Setup: added default installation path for silent installation #6913 |
▪Setup: use user-defined path #6950 |
▪Remember user-defined accelerator keys #6915 |
▪Session sharing: server side rework, spectator client optimized |
▪IPC fix for interprocess synchronization and communication problem on high server CPU load |
▪XML-API: call execution improved #6626 |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 5.0 or higher oNew 3DVS format V17. 3DVS files exported with this version are not compatible with pre-2021 versions of 3DViewStation |
▪Import 3D oJT 10.5 #6718 oNX - Unigraphics 1953 oParasolid 33 oRhino3D 7 |
▪Export 3D oGL Transmission Format 2.0 #5566 |
▪Import 2D oCATIA V5-6R2021 (R31) oNX: 1953, 1957 and 1961 |
▪GUI: Bounding box measurement optimized |
▪3D-Markups: Multiple references to curves and faces |
▪Offset lines are now removable (by GUI and API) #6705 |
▪3D-Markups: Variables and attributes can be used and line breaks can be set comfortably (GUI and API) |
▪VR: Different controller models can be displayed |
▪Ad hoc session sharing with multiple users |
▪Markup export: Node ID & Custom ID added |
▪Markup creation stability improved #6600 |
▪SolidEdge: Position of some lines were not correct #6345 |
▪PLMXML: Sequence number added to attributes #3799 |
▪XML-API: •Fly mode rework #6589 #6770 •Distance controllable camera alignment in fly mode •Align horizon in fly mode •Undo function includes node properties |
▪2D-DWG: performance improved #6808 |
▪2D-DWG: PDF export resulted in empty scene in Adobe Acrobat Reader #6695 |
▪2D Compare improved #6552 #3436 |
▪3D-PDF: Stability of PMI handling improved #6522 |
▪Print dialog: Scale setting improved #6595 |
▪CATIA: Missing PMI text in rare cases #6848 |
▪CATIA: PMI alignment improved #6768 |
▪SolidWorks: Structure tree optimized #5918 |
▪Stability of drag&drop file import improved #6799 |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: oNetwork licensing (Floating) requires license server version 4.9.22 or higher oNew 3DVS format V17. 3DVS files exported with this version are not compatible with older versions of 3DViewStation |
▪Import 3D o3D Manufacturing Format (3MF) 1.2.3 oMineCraft oRevit 2021 oSolid Edge 2021 |
▪Export 3D o3DVS V17 oMineCraft oWaveFront OBJ |
▪Import 2D oSVG |
▪2D: Transformations available |
▪Align camera vertical to a face |
▪BOM: Configuration of shown attributes |
▪BOM: Generating of callout ID by attributes |
▪BOM: Physical properties |
▪Convert dialog: Prefer geometry / prefer tessellation added |
▪Convex hull: Calculation speed improved |
▪Coordinate systems settings added and ribbon menu reorganized |
▪Create point at intersection of two lines |
▪Draft: Undercut analysis |
▪Export of views overview to PDF |
▪Import progressbar |
▪Markups: User defined attributes |
▪Measurement: Distance solids to solids |
▪Minimal bounding box - Exact: Calculation speed improved |
▪Ribbon: Measurement reorganized |
▪Section: Create orthogonal to a line |
▪Section: Cut geometry with geometry colors possible |
▪Selection mode: PMI reference |
▪Setup wizard supports update of WebViewer / VisShare |
▪Snap mode for snapping mid- or endpoints of lines and edges |
▪Statusbar: Cursor coordinates |
▪Statusbar: Format version |
▪Support of textures: 3DVS, 3MF, DAE, FBX, GLTF, OBJ, U3D |
▪Turntable mode: Settings for detailed configuration |
▪Views: Context menu to activate only the camera or the state of views |
▪Views: Import setting to apply Zoom: Fit all to all views |
▪VisShare: Mobile UI version for smartphones & tablets |
▪VR: Camera rotatable via thumbstick or touchpad of the controller |
▪VR: Feedback message boxes |
▪VR: Help menu |
▪VR: New design of Teleport with head height |
▪XML-API: New method ExportViewsAsPDF |
▪XML-API: New method GetSearchableNodeTypes |
▪2D: Zooming improved #6227 |
▪CATDrawing: RAM usage optimized #6030 |
▪DOC/XLS/PPT couldn't be opened #6519 |
▪FBX: Import of colors #6092 |
▪Improvements of stability when importing models with many root nodes #6486 |
▪JT: Import of prototype attributes #6495 |
▪KAS: Generated screenshots of 3DVS files were empty in rare cases #6349 |
▪Markups: Improvement of markup creation in perspective mode with large models #6478 |
▪Minimal bounding box: Improvement of markup alignment #6504 |
▪PMI-Highlighting improved #6670 |
▪Raster formats: Improvement of scaling and dimensioning with calibration factor #6479 #6338 #6303 #6434 #6551 |
▪Software distribution: VR icon is no longer created #6511 |
▪SolidWorks: EPM vault storage supported #6481 |
▪SVG: Export of section colors and cut geometries #5775 |
▪Vertex colors were not correctly applied in views #6324 |
▪Wallthickness heatmap: Improved visualization #6415 |
▪WebViewer: Sessions in standby can be continued #6277 |
Release date:
Network licensing (Floating) requires license server version 4.9.22 or higher |
▪Import 3D oSolidWorks 2021 |
▪Import 2D oCATIA V6 / 3DExperience R2021x oNX: 1938, 1942 and 1946 oSolid Edge 2021 oSolidWorks 2021 |
▪Unattended installation: Desktop icons were not created in some cases #6511 |
▪Minimal bounding box: Wrong orientation #6504 |
▪SolidWorks: EPM vault storage files can't be opened #6481 |
Release date:
Network licensing (Floating) requires license server version 4.9.20 or higher
▪Network licensing (Floating): License borrowing for offline use #6405 |
Release date:
Network licensing (Floating) requires license server version 4.9.20 or higher |
▪Minimum system requirements changed |
▪New setup wizard: oIncludes all KISTERS 3DViewStation products oRevised comfortable user guidance oOptimised sofware distribution for desktop products |
▪HelpCenter: Online knowledge base for end users and administrators. Offline fallback included. |
▪Import 3D oACIS 2020 oCATIA V5-2020 oCreo 7.0 oJT 10.3 oInventor 2021 oNX 1926 |
▪Export 3D oJT 8.1, 9.5 & 10.0 selectable by dropdown menu |
▪Import 2D oCATIA V6 / 3DExperience R2020x oProE / Creo Parametric 7.0 oNX: 1911, 1915, 1919, 1926, 1930, 1934 |
▪VSXML: Performance improvements #5388 |
▪MicroStation .DGN format support discontinued |
▪Distance and band analysis tool |
▪Measurement of the total / cumulated length for tool path (laser, CNC, welding) |
▪Measurement - angle: Line to line (projected) |
▪Measurement - solid to solid: Performance improved |
▪Explode: oOn selections oRestriction to certain directions |
▪All created views can be automatically generated into single PNGs or as multi-page PDF including physical properties ▪KAS method: export views |
▪Catia: Setting to import only captures (without views) #5700 |
▪Setting to hide the rotation mouse pointer |
▪2D: Calibration added #5692 |
▪Save as 3DVS-format |
▪Font Substitution: oButton in settings pane to open the FontSubstitution.csv oThe font substitution suggestion is inserted as a comment |
▪Default substitution font changed from Arial to MyriadCAD for better support of special characters and symbols |
▪API: IFC Get/SetBCFVisualizationInfo with unit (default: meter) #6033 |
▪PMI: Possibility to edit all text fields |
▪Color adjustment is possible directly by entering hexadecimal or RGB values |
▪Optimized output window: oThe output window is now managed per scene oThe new tab "General" contains feedback on network licensing oNew Setting: Enhanced loading statistics (progress tab) |
▪Setting to change the log level |
▪JT: Import setting for (quality) level of tessellation |
▪2D: Enhanced zoom level |
▪PDF: Support of embedded JT files |
▪Physical Properties: Wrong volume calculation in native CAD models #6276 |
▪PLMXML / VSXML: Import progress status information #5767 |
▪SolidWorks SpeedPak: Assembly couldn't be imported #4950 |
▪SolidWorks: Improved loading performance #6261 |
▪SolidWorks: Assembly didn't load with 'Prefer BREP' |
▪Structure tree: Vertical scrollbar disappeared after Drag and Drop #5603 |
Release date:
Network licensing (Floating) requires license server version 4.9.20 or higher. |
▪Minimum system requirements changed. |
▪New setup wizard: oIncludes all KISTERS 3DViewStation products. oRevised comfortable user guidance. oOptimised sofware distribution for desktop products. |
▪HelpCenter: Online knowledge base for end users and administrators. Offline fallback included. |
▪VSXML: Stability improvements #6183 |
▪Extract faces: Stability improvements #6218 |
▪View transition mismatch and initial view issues fixed |
▪Missing images after importing views |
▪View transition ghost state issues fixed |
▪API: UpdateScene error handling optimized |
▪API: Views play animated transition handling available |
Release date:
▪IMPORTANT: ▪Network licensing (Floating) requires license server version 4.9.20 or higher. |
▪Minimum system requirements changed. |
▪New setup wizard: oIncludes all KISTERS 3DViewStation products. oRevised comfortable user guidance. oOptimized software distribution for desktop products. |
▪HelpCenter: Online knowledge base for end users and administrators. Offline fallback included. |
▪Import 3D oACIS 2020 oCATIA V5-2020 oCreo 7.0 oJT 10.3 oInventor 2021 |
▪Import 2D oCATIA V6 / 3DExperience R2020x oProE / Creo Parametric 7.0 oNX: 1911, 1915, 1919 |
▪VSXML: Performance improvements #5388. |
▪MicroStation .DGN format support discontinued. |
▪Band analysis |
▪Measurement - angle: Line to line (projected). |
▪Measurement - solid to solid: Performance improved. |
▪Explode: oOn selections oRestriction to certain directions |
▪Views can be conveniently exported as PNGs or, including the physical properties, as PDF. |
▪Catia: Setting to import only the captures (without views) #5700. |
▪Setting to hide the rotation mouse pointer. |
▪2D: Calibration added #5692. |
▪Save as 3DVS-format. |
▪Font Substitution: oButton in settings pane to open the FontSubstitution.csv. oThe font substitution suggestion is inserted as a comment. |
▪Default substitution font changed from Arial to MyriadCAD for better support of special characters and symbols. |
▪API: IFC Get/SetBCFVisualizationInfo with unit (default: meter) #6033. |
▪API: New focus method - variable transition to show the area of selected objects. |
▪PMI: Possibility to edit all text fields. |
▪Color adjustment is possible directly by entering hexadecimal or RGB values. |
▪Optimized output window: oThe output window is now managed per scene. oThe new tab "General" contains feedback on network licensing. oNew Setting: Enhanced loading statistics (progress tab). |
▪Setting to change the log level. |
▪Extract surfaces: Failed in rare cases #5861, #5647. |
▪Ghost transparency wasn't applied immediately #6050. |
▪Neighborhood search: Stability improvements #6012. |
▪Wallthickness heatmap: Wrong results with ray method in rare cases #5678. |
▪Circle detection: Failed in rare cases #5815. |
▪3DVS: Problem when loading very large models in the Webviewer. |
▪Creo: Section over more than one structure level #756. |
▪2D Drawings: Markups were displayed on all pages #4880. |
▪2D DXF: Missing lines in rare situations #5528 #5645 #5909. |
▪2D DXF: Wrong scaling in rare cases #5537. |
▪FBX export: Surfaces sometimes had wrong colors #4537. |
▪IFC: Lines caused an empty scene in rare cases #5901. |
▪JT: Convert from 3DVS not possible in rare cases #5176. |
▪NX: Missing attributes in 'No category' #3728. |
▪STEP: Attributes with $ characters weren't shown correctly #5627. |
▪STEP: PMIs were transparent #5006. |
▪SVG export: Node color was ignored when a vertex color was set #5777. |
▪VDA: Stability improvements #5488. |
▪API: BCF default visibility fixed #6086. |
▪API: UpdateScene / SetSelectedNodes by CustomId #5963. |
▪API: Ghost / Constraints GhostLocked - Initial view, wrong state of ghosted nodes #5963. |
Recommended Version
Release date:
▪Designs: Missing menu elements #5608 ▪Projected area: Unit correction if scene unit is not mm #5763 ▪Point coordinate measurement: Consideration of the active coordinate system #5749 ▪Stability improvements #5804 #5794 #5829 |
Recommended Version
Release date:
▪Neighborhood search: Crash when changing input without selection #5741 ▪Opening files with double click #5742 |
Recommended Version
Release date:
▪Import 3D oNX 1899 oRevit 2020 oParasolid v32.0
▪Import 2D oCATIA: V5-6R2020 (R30) oNX: NX 1899, NX 1903, NX 1904, NX 1907
▪Update 3DVS format to version 16 (incompatible to 3DViewStation 2019.1 and older) ▪Save as contains all 3D & 2D export formats. Additional screenshot export option in menu Tools ▪Font recognition and replacement for 2D drawings (2D advanced licensed) ▪Renaming of filter to search in menu Tools oAdded case sensitivity option #3996 oSearch for content in PMIs, markups and text ▪Clash detection: oIntersection volume oIntersection curves oPenetration depth oPerformance improvement ▪Neighborhood search: oLinear distance oBox trap ▪Status bar with additional information ▪Merge objects in menu Model ▪New UI designs (accessible via settings) ▪New UI layouts (accessible via settings) ▪Update of Microsoft Redistributables ▪DropConvert support discontinued ▪HiCAD importer support discontinued ▪Windows 32-bit support discontinued |
▪2D: Create document background setting #2996 ▪Color palette can be customized via Presets.xml #5598 ▪API: Import/Export of BCF Collaboration View #4877 ▪API: Define initial view from current state #5458 ▪API: SearchNodes with CustomID #5629 |
▪Gerber: Models were opened as text files #5665 ▪PLMXML: Empty files when exporting to 3D format #5698 ▪STEP AP242: Tessellation export issue #4775 ▪API: Callout projection event issues #5651 ▪Copy and paste problems of nodes #5543 #5575 ▪Improved alignment for newly created coordinate systems (normal and circle center) #5455 ▪Incorrect positioning of instanced parts #5569 #5656 ▪Lines and markups disappeared when importing another model in a scene #4941 ▪Lines are not displayed correctly #5486 ▪Opening of files with double click #5606 ▪Irregular problems when opening models with many instances #5638 ▪IP Protection - Delete invisible: Issue when computed on faces #5581 ▪Wrong camera position when a view with active flight mode is activated #5414 |
Release date:
▪Start up speed of 3DViewStation increased |
▪Hotfix for 2019.1.126: Windows 7 support ▪Bounding Box Extents #4010 ▪Added setting for volume unit #5385 |
Release date:
▪Update 3DVS format to version 15 (incompatible to 2019.0 and older) ▪New Redistributables 2019 added to the setup. Installation is required. ▪NX 1872 ▪NX Drawings 1892 ▪Solid Edge 2020 ▪Solid Edge Drawings 2020 ▪SolidWorks Drawings 2020 ▪Font recognition and multiple font substitution for drawings #4752 ▪Colors for e57 point clouds ▪API: 2D callout projection |
▪Added hierarchically merge mode in ribbon Model ▪Import setting ignore views by name now considers wildcard (*) ▪Added support for more CATIA attributes types #5312 ▪Added version number to title bar ▪Improve e57 point cloud import #5275 ▪Support of additional fonts in drawings #2804 #5024 ▪STEP AP242: Export of markups #5014 ▪Filter renamed to Search (ribbon Tools) ▪Added Search option: Case sensitive #3996 ▪Added Search option to find content of markups/PMIs ▪New options for wire coloring of solids #3371 |
▪Improved display of Solid Edge drawings #2408 ▪Convert specific CATPart to Parasolid #2669 #4746 ▪Wrong PDF extents #4403 ▪3DXML with many structure levels causes slow import #4435 ▪STEP AP242 export with tessellation only #4775 ▪Changing boundary conditions while a transformation tool is active #5078 ▪3D-PDF: Export markups #5154 ▪SVG exports only visible #5177 ▪API: File open crash #5268 ▪User folder in hidden network share is supported #5270 ▪Render materials #5314 ▪Incorrect placement of dimensions with activated coordinate system #5319 ▪VSXML: Correct display of markups and callouts #5340 ▪Save correct scaling of merged objects #5374 ▪Camera alignment in Flythrough mode #5414 ▪3DVS: Load model as saved #5422 ▪KAS: Conversion fails #5475 |
Release date:
▪Added new search options to the neighborhood search: oBox oLinear distance |
▪Export only visible geometries for vector graphics #5177 ▪Problems with opening CATIA data fixed #5206 ▪Instancing of geometries caused issues #5133 |
Recommended Version
Release date:
▪Hotfix for 2019.0.720: Windows 7 support |
Recommended Version
Release date:
▪New Redistributables 2019 added to the setup. Installation is required. ▪NX 1872 ▪NX Drawings 1892 ▪Solid Edge 2020 ▪Solid Edge Drawings 2020 ▪SolidWorks Drawings 2020 |
▪Improved display of Solid Edge Drawings #2408 ▪Convert specific CATPart to Parasolid #2669 #4746 ▪3DXML: Many structure levels causes slow import #4435 ▪STEP AP242 export with tessellation only #4775 ▪SVG exports only visible #5177 ▪API: File open crash #5268 ▪User folder in hidden network share is supported #5270 ▪Incorrect placement of dimensions with activated coordinate system #5319 |
Recommended Version
Release date:
▪Instancing of geometries caused issues #5133, #5121 ▪CATDrawing: Line breaks are ignored #4925 |
Recommended Version
Release date:
▪UI change: Add 2D and 3D export buttons (screenshots and exchange formats). ▪Setting for default 3D export format (instead of last used) ▪CATDrawing: R29 (V5-6R2019) ▪Creo Drawing: 6.0 ▪NX Drawing: NX 1872 Series until 1884 ▪SolidEdge Drawings 2019 ▪Solidworks Drawings 2019 |
▪Automatic backup of settings before manual reset to defaults |
▪3D PDF: Problem with template "Toplevel" #3168 ▪CATDrawing: Missing text #3837 ▪CATDrawing: Line width correctly rendered #2460 ▪CATDrawing: Loading problem #3764 ▪CATDrawing: Missing line breaks #4925 ▪IFC: Import with instancing #5043 ▪SolidWorks & SolidEdge Drawings: Loading problem #4077 ▪STEP: Wrong transformation #4774 ▪Section: Rendering problems #4947 #4168 | |